Pure Acerola Juice

Pure Acerola Juice

  • organic quality
  • vegan
  • vitamin C for the immune system
  • 100 % juice not made from concentrate
Contents: 330 ml
acerola juice* 100 % *from organic agriculture
  • energy (kcal)
  • energy (kj)
  • fat
  • - of which saturated fatty acids
  • carbohydrates
  • - of which sugar
  • fibre
  • protein
  • salt
    Not prepared
  • 17 kcal
  • 74 kJ
  • 0.50 g
  • 0.10 g
  • 3 g
  • 3 g
  • 0 ml
  • 0.60 g
  • 0.01 g

About the product

The vegan Alnavit Pure Acerola Juice is made from 100 % acerola cherries. It contains only the natural sweetness of the cherries and is free from additives. One tablespoon (13 ml) of the undiluted juice already covers the daily requirement of vitamin C in a natural way. It contributes to a normal function of the immune system as well as to the protection of cells against oxidative stress and to reduction of fatigue. With its creamy consistency and mildly acidic note, the juice tastes best diluted with water or other fruit juices - and especially good in yoghurt or quark.